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Creating a Complete Account Entry


This title is shown on the to-do list of the user progress section.


This can be set using Material Design or Font Awesome icons and the icon will be displayed next to the applicable complete account entry on the frontend of the site.

Custom URL

You can designate a custom URL that this task should link to. If left blank, the system will create an appropriate link automatically where supported - unsupported task types will stay unlinked.


If disabled, this task is neither shown nor counted towards evaluating full progress.


If enabled, users can temporarily hide this task. Once this option is enabled, you then have the ability to specify how long a task will be temporarily hidden.


If this option is enabled, this task is shown in the task list, but not required to earn total completion.

Display Order

This determines the order in which the tasks will appear in the ACP and on the frontend of the site.

Profile Field

Selecting a profile field determines the type of tak you’re creating. Under profile field, you have several options:

  • Avatar
  • Profile banner
  • About
  • Location
  • Signature
  • Receive news and update emails