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Setting up [TH] Giphy

Creating a Giphy API Key & Setting it up on Giphy

  1. Register for an account on their website.
  2. After registering, navigate to the API webpage.
  3. Click on “Create an App” before adding a name into the “App Name” field and a description to the “App Description” field.
  4. Next, an API Key will be generated which needs to be copied into the required field in Giphy Options in XenForo.
  5. Navigate to Setup > Options > [TH] Giphy > Paste the API key into the “API Key” field before clicking the “Save” button.
  6. Then you are set up! Enjoy [TH] Giphy!

Giphy Options

API Key - This key is required to be able to use this add-on and it’s functionality. You are able to get it on the Giphy API page after creating an account and an application.

Insert method - Choose if it will be inserted as an image or media in the post.

Allowed Rating - This setting allows you to set a specific rating for what GIF’s can be seen when a user searches a specific keyword in the search bar.

Style - This setting allows you to set a specific viewing style when searching for GIFs by keyword.

Giphy Style Properties

To navigate to the style properties for Giphy, go to ACP > Appearance > Styles & templates > Style properties > [TH] Giphy.

Icon type for Giphy editor icon - This setting allows you to choose if you want to use a custom image or icon. After setting this, you are able to input the custom image link or FontAwesome icon prefix below.

Giphy icon value - This field box allows you to input the custom image which is used on the button used for GIF’s on the text editor. You are also able to use a FontAwesome icon prefix as well.