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To view the Options for Question & Answer Forums, navigate to ACP > Setup > Options > [TH] Question & Answer Forums.

Default thread view - This sets the default sorting method in question threads for posts. You can sort by votes or sort by date.

Forum statistics - Choose which statistics to show in the forum statistics widget.

Question prefix - This sets the default thread prefix for question threads. When the prefix is selected or deselected, it will automatically change the question status checkbox when a thread is created or edited.

Note for Question prefix: If a user selects another prefix or the default question prefix is not available in the forum the thread is being created in, the prefix will not be applied.

Answered prefix - After a thread is marked with the best answer, it will be given the default thread prefix marked here. When the prefix is selected or deselected, it will automatically change the question status checkbox when a thread is created or edited.

Note for Answered prefix: If the default prefix is not available in the forum the thread is being created in, the prefix will not be applied. If an answered prefix is selected, it will overwrite the existing prefix.

Show "Best answers" profile tab - When enabled, this creates a tab on a user’s profile displaying their answers that have been marked as best answers.

Up and down vote controls location - Determine where the up and down vote controls should be located, either next to user post bit or next to user controls.

Best answer control location - Determine where the best answer control should be located, either next to user post bit or next to user controls.

Hide post if total points fall below - If enabled, this will hide posts that have points below the set value.

Mark as best answer if total points reaches - If enabled, this will mark a post as best answer automatically if the total points reach the set value. If another post later exceeds the votes of the best answer, it will then be marked as the best answer as long as it is within the time limit set.

Don’t change best answer automatically if thread is older than - Once a post has been marked best answer, if another post later exceeds the votes of the best answer, it will then be marked as the best answer as long as it is within the time limit set here.

Note: If this is set to 0, a post will never be automatically marked as best answer if there is already a best answer. If this is unchecked, automatic best answer checking will always happen regardless of the age of the thread.