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Automatic Thread Creation

Article and Forum Connect can automatically create a thread for new blog posts, which will create a link allowing posts from the thread to display as comments on the blog post.

Default settings

In WordPress, go to Settings > Article and Forum Connect: XenForo and WP, and you will see a settings section titled Thread Defaults.

Default Thread Creation

The Create Thread setting will control whether or not a thread will be created for every post by default.

Default Forum and Thread Prefix

This allows you to set a default forum to create the thread in and a default thread prefix to apply.

In addition to this global setting, you are able to configure a default thread prefix based on the Category a post is in. To configure this, go to Posts > Categories, and edit a category. You will be able to select a default forum and thread prefix, the same as on the main settings page.

Default User

You can also select a WordPress user to post the thread as.

If no user is selected here, the threads will be created with the user who authored the post, unless a specific user was selected for that post.

Customising thread creation settings per-post

When creating a new post, you will have the ability to override the default thread creation settings for that post. A new meta box titled XenForo thread will be available, where you will be able to select a forum, thread prefix, and user to post as, as well as customising the post excerpt, or specifying an existing thread ID.

If a value is not selected here for the forum, thread prefix, or user, it will fall back to the default values outlined above. If no values have been configured anywhere, the thread will not be created.

Setting up XenForo API access for WordPress users

The WordPress user used to create the thread for a post will be determined as follows:

  1. User selected in the thread settings on a post

  2. Default user set up in the Thread Defaults settings

  3. The author of the post

Any WordPress users that will be used to create a thread must have API access set up.

To make sure the selected user will be able to create the thread, navigate to Users, edit the user, and find the Article and Forum Connect Settings.

Depending on your chosen integration method, you may already have an XF API key entered here. If you do not, you will need to enter the user ID of the forum user this user relates to.

This will now allow the WordPress user to create threads on behalf of the configured forum user.