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Featuring Media Items

To manually feature media items, navigate to the media item you would like to be featured. Click the button with three bubbles and an arrow pointing down and then choose “Feature media item”. From there, fill in the necessary information.

Tile - Input a custom title for the featured media item.

Message - Input a custom description for the featured media item.

Expires - Inputting a date and time will cause this featured media to show until the specified date and time is reached. After that date and time, the featured media item will be unfeatured automatically.


  • Featured content page - When checked, the featured media item will be shown on the content page.
  • Featured content grid widget - When checked, the featured media item will be shown on the grid widget.
  • Featured content slider widget - When checked, the featured media item will be shown on the slider widget.


  • Users with the appropriate permissions can dismiss this feature - When enabled, users can dismiss featured media items which are shown on the grid or full widget.
  • Notify author of this action - When enabled, a notification is sent to the user about their media item being featured with a link to the media item.


  • Use content poster’s avatar - When chosen, this will show the poster's avatar on the featured page and widgets.
  • User custom icon - When chosen, this will show a custom icon instead of the poster’s avatar. The custom icon can be selected when the media item is manually being featured or after it has been featured.

Feature background image

None - Select this if you do not want there to be a featured background image.

Upload custom feature background image - This will allow you to input and show your own background image for this media item on the featured thread page or slider.