The [TH] Featured Threads and Content widgets can be added by navigating to ACP > Appearance > Widgets > Add widget. You can choose:
- [TH] Featured Threads and Content: Full - Showcases the featured threads with basic information without an image.
- [TH] Featured Threads and Content: Grid - Showcases the featured threads with basic information and the featured image and avatar set with grid styling.
- [TH] Featured Threads and Content: Slider - Showcases the featured threads with basic information and the featured image and avatar set within the slider widget.
You can choose the number of featured content to be displayed, the content type(s) to be displayed, and whether or not the features in the widget can be dismissed. Enable the “Bypass feature dismissal” option for the features in the widget to not be dismissable. The content chosen to be displayed will be based on the feature date.