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User Upgrades and Pages

Adding a User upgrade

You must first have a user upgrade in order to add upgrade pages.

To add user upgrades, go to ACP > Monetize > User upgrades > User upgrades > Add user upgrade. Enter the information needed. [TH] Monetize adds the following functionalities:

Allow Custom Amount

Users will be able to override above the cost set in the user upgrade when they are purchasing the upgrade if this option is enabled. The cost set in the user upgrade is the minimum cost.

Note: If you later uninstall [TH] Monetize, recurring upgrades purchased with a custom amount may be rejected.

Free Upgrades

To allow users to receive an upgrade without having to make any payment, set the cost to zero and set the payment profile to “[TH] Monetize: Free - Free”. This is useful for if you require a user upgrade on registration but still want to offer a free alternative.

Style Properties

You can set a background color, shape, and feature list icon class. If you choose a background color and/or shape and don’t enter a feature list icon class, the bullet point for features will have the same color and/or shape. If a feature list icon class is entered, the icon will have the same color chosen for the background color. The feature list icon class allows you to use collections such as FontAwesome, for example, entering “star” will use the FontAwesome star icon as your bullet point for your features (see below).


You can add any features in the features boxes that you would like to display below the description on the upgrade page. As you add features, an additional box will appear to add the next feature. You can rearrange the features by dragging and dropping the icon next to the feature box you would like to move.

Upgrade pages

In this section you can choose which upgrade pages you would like the user upgrade to be displayed in.

If you create a user upgrade after having already created upgrade pages, you can add the new user upgrade at the same time as creating the upgrade, or you can add the upgrade to those pages later by selecting the appropriate pages under ACP > Monetize > User upgrades > Manage upgrade pages and adding it to the user upgrade page.

Upgrade pages

Upgrade pages are a way of more effectively promoting your user upgrades by making sure that you display the right upgrades, at the right time, in the right places and to the right people, with attractive styling and enough information to encourage users to make a purchase.

To navigate to Upgrade pages, go to ACP > Monetize > User upgrades > Manage upgrade pages.

General Upgrade pages options

Require user upgrade on registration - This requires users to choose an upgrade option in order to finish registering when this option is enabled. Note: Make sure that at least one user upgrade is available.

Allow guests to view user upgrades - This option allows guests to access the account upgrades page. Clicking on purchase links will take the user to the registration page.

Suggest user upgrades on no permission error - Instead of receiving a no permission error, an upgrade page will be displayed. If there is not an upgrade page, a link to the default user upgrades page will be displayed.

The General Upgrade pages options listed above can also be set by navigating to ACP > [TH] Monetize > Options > User upgrades.

Adding Upgrade Pages

To add an upgrade page, under Manage upgrade pages click Add upgrade page.

General Options:

Title - Enter a name for the upgrade page. This will be visible to the user and can be translated.

Display order - Users will see the first upgrade page, sorted by display order, for which they satisfy the given user criteria and page criteria (if any).

Active - Check this box for the upgrade page to be enabled. Each upgrade page can be individually enabled or disabled.

Show as accounts page - When checked, the upgrade page will be shown instead of the default account upgrades page.

Show as error message - When checked, the upgrade page will be shown instead of a no permission error. Note: This requires the global “Suggest user upgrades on no permission error” option to be enabled.

Show as overlay - When checked, the user upgrades page will be displayed as an overlay on pages that match the pages criteria. You can also select Overlay can be dismissed if you want the user to be able to close the overlay by clicking the close icon, pressing the escape key, or clicking outside of the overlay; otherwise the overlay will not be able to be closed.

User upgrades:

  • Show all user upgrades When selected, all available and purchased user upgrades will be shown on the page.
  • Show selected user upgrades When selected, only user upgrades selected below will be shown on the page. The user upgrades will be sorted by the display orders given. If you select this option, you must select at least one user upgrade. You can also select one or more user upgrades to be displayed as featured which will add a thicker border around it.


  • Link to accounts page Adds a 'Show more upgrades' link to the default account upgrades page. This is recommended if you are not showing all available and purchased user upgrades.
  • Link to other upgrade pages This only shows if other upgrade pages are active and adds a link to the following upgrade pages if the user satisfies the user criteria. If you enable it, choose the upgrade pages to link to. Note: Page criteria and availability of user upgrades will not be checked.
  • Redirect users to a different webpage once they've upgraded.

Apply page criteria to overlays only - Most of the page criteria are not applicable or will not work correctly when applied to the account upgrades page or in place of no permission errors. If you know what you are doing and you would like to apply page criteria in all situations, uncheck this checkbox. Otherwise, we recommend leaving this checkbox as checked.

Other Criteria:

You can use the User criteria, User field criteria, Page criteria and Remote platform criteria to set additional criteria for your upgrade page. The Remote platform criteria comes from the platforms you have set up using XLink. If you don’t have XLink or any platforms set up, this will not be an option.