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Platform Options

Please refer to the XLink documentation for more information about non-XPress-specific Platform Options.

Default forum The chosen forum will be pre-selected when creating a new post in WordPress. Unless changed, new linked threads will therefore automatically be posted in this forum.

Default prefix When creating a new post in WordPress, the prefix chosen here will be pre-selected in the prefix selection box and applied to the linked thread upon creation. If the prefix is not valid for the forum the linked thread would be created in, it will not be applied.


  • Synchronize WordPress comments When this option is enabled, XPress will keep the WordPress comment section and the linked XenForo thread in sync. Whenever a new comment is being posted on WordPress, a respective post will be created in the XenForo thread and vice versa. Any modifications to posts or comments that have been previously linked by XPress will carry over to the other platform, including deleting the post/comment or setting it to moderated.
  • Synchronize avatars When this option is enabled, XPress will attempt to replace all WordPress avatars with XenForo avatars. Any WordPress user that has a linked XenForo account will have their WordPress avatar be replaced with their XenForo avatar. Any default avatar (such as for guests or unlinked users) will be replaced with the XenForo default avatar instead. WordPress accounts that currently have no XenForo user set will display the default XenForo avatar instead too.
  • Synchronize usernames When this option is enabled, XPress will attempt to replace all occurrences of the WordPress’ account name with their linked XenForo counterpart. This functionality is only available with the XPress theme and only affects the WordPress frontend. The WordPress dashboard stays unaffected by this.
  • Synchronize about/bio When this option is enabled, XPress will attempt to replace all occurrences of the WordPress’ account biography with the about section of the linked XenForo account. This functionality is only available with the XPress theme and only affects the WordPress frontend. The WordPress dashboard stays unaffected by this.

Comment display mode This option regulates, how the comment section under a WordPress post is being displayed.

  • XenForo thread If this option is selected, a full view of the first page of the XenForo thread will be embedded below the WordPress post. This embed is influenced by all add-ons that do apply to it, and will also contain any thread view specific ad locations, template modifications, and custom css rules that may apply to the normal thread view.
  • Native WordPress comments If this option is selected, the native WordPress comment section will be embedded below the WordPress post. This embed is influenced by all WordPress plugins that normally would apply to it. If comment synchronization is disabled, this comment section will be entirely different to the linked XenForo thread.