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Feeds Curated Queue Options

Preview of the Thread Feed List

Promote top new thread from curated list every: This option is based around threads that were not manually promoted within the selected time step. Instead the top suggestion will automatically be promoted to the curated feed.

Hold auto-promoted content in moderation queue for: This option allows you to choose if you’d like to hold any auto-promoted content within the moderation queue for a set amount of time. If it is set to zero instead, it will not hold any auto-promoted content within the moderation queue. If set to negative one instead any auto promoted content within the moderation queue will have to be manually approved.

Post weight: Specifies the weight of posts within the curated feed to determine whether you’d like this content to be promoted more of less frequently.

Vote weight: Specifies the weight of votes within the curated feed to determine whether you’d like this content to be promoted more of less frequently.

Reaction weight: Specifies the weight of reactions within the curated feed to determine whether you’d like this content to be promoted more of less frequently.

Curated list limit: This number is the amount of content that is considered for promotion and added to the curated feed.

Maximum age: Determines the maximum age for content included in feeds.

Decay formula: The option you choose for the decay formula determines the consistent rate at which content in the curated feed is updated.